My hero

29 mars, 2017

My hero

Cela doit être très dur pour un enfant de considérer son père ou sa mère comme son héros. Mais que l’un des deux a déjà quitté ce monde et que l’autre compte ses jours pour quitter… voici deux textes très émouvants composés par deux de nos élèves de l’école dans leur cours d’anglais.

« The texts that make me cry … and think… » Miss Nawel, english teacher

*Les textes suivants ont été recopiés intégralement.

My mom, my hero…

My mom is my hero. You know why ? Because if I’m sick she watches over me. Once someone in my old neighborhood, a drunk person driving and he dont make the stop. She went ahead of the car. My mother is a strong person because in the summer of 2015 she had cancer. She always went to the hospital. She is already going to the hospital for 2 months. The doctor said : « you gonna die in 2 months » and she survived. This summer, the doctor said : « you have another cancer! » Every weeks she goes to the hospital. I said : « How you did to survive ? » She said : « Because i do not want to go to heaven with such good kids that you. » Now she still has a cancer, but now it helps other person who one a cancer. This is why my mother is an inspiring person.

My hero : My dad

Information about his child hood : He had one older sister, 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters. When my dad was 7 years old his mom and dad died in a car crash. So most of the time he and his siblings had to cook, go to school, clean and wash their clothes together, they were so young. So most of the time they didn’t know what to do. His education was pretty weak cause he only got up to high school and they were poor sot hey couldn’t pay for college. Same for the others.

Outstanding actions he did : My dad thought my older brother how to drive. He would always tell us that ifew exams that’s okay as long as you tried your best. My dad always motivated us to try new things, study hard and keep doing our homework even tho sometimes we didn’t have some. He would always come back from work early to see if we were studying. Everyday when my dad came back from work he woud always bring something from his restock shelf.

My opinion reasons why he’s a hero : He was always motivated even when he was in the hospital and with no energy, My dad always had a smile on his face even tho he knew he had a illness that couldn’t be cured. And thats why i think my da dis my hero. I love you dad. I miss you…